Man's Choice

Today is Day 29 of 40 days for life. I signed up to pray every day from 7:00-8:00 a.m. In front of the Planned Parenthood at 5631 South 48th Street in Lincoln, Nebraska. Last Monday I was praying about 7:15 a.m. on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood. It was twilight when I heard a man's voice. "Excuse me ma'am," I turned around and saw a man on his bicycle with all of his race gear on. It looked like he may have been training for a triathlon. "Thank You for being here." "I don't come out here (to pray) but thank you for being here." I could see the emotion in his eyes. Before I could say anything he pedaled off. I'm guessing abortion has impacted him on a personal level at some point in his life. The next day was Tuesday, which is abortion day at the Lincoln Planned Parenthood. A young hispanic man, I will refer to as Juan, parked in the Planned Parenthood parking lot. He walked up to a priest and a nun from a loca...