Baby Footprint

I was sitting in my car outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on South Street in Lincoln, Nebraska. It was the Friday before Halloween and there were seven days left of 40 days for life. I was quietly praying and had no intention of getting out of my car until I looked up at my sunroof and took a double take. The dark leaves of the tree set the background. The sun was at just the right angle. The sun showcased an imprint of a newborn baby footprint on the sunroof of my car. It looked as if a baby had stepped right onto my sunroof. I later compared the imprint to my son's newborn footprint and they were the same size. About three inches. Newborn footprint on the sunroof of my car While I had no intention of getting out of my car, I was too freaked out by my infant "visitor" to remain seated. I got out of the car not knowing what to make of the sign. Should I tell someone? There was only...